Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Whew!! Finally made it back......

 Back to this blog.  I shut my quilt blog down and am dedicating all my time here.  Wonder if it will make any difference.  Well, we will see.  

I have all the equipment need to do a video; but I have been procrastinating.  Think I am a bit "gun shy". 

I have been still trying to make some collages and here are a few that I recently did.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Hoping to do VIDEO

 of some of my many book pages.  I am setting up what I hope to be my recording station for my art work.  In the meantime here is some of my latest pieces.  There are two of the same page.  I can't decide which I like best.  What do you think??  ENJOY

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Latest Art Journal Pictures

 Been busy working in the yard and a little art here and there.  I've started a little hand embroidery for one of my art journals.  Will post as soon as I have finalized the front cover.

Friday, February 19, 2021

A New Collage Page

 I am trying to continue to post on this blog on a regular basis.  Here is one of the collages I made for thgroup I am following with Margarete Miller called #take 3.


Saturday, January 23, 2021

AWOL - Making a Comback

 A lot has happened since the last time I posted here.  I am really ashamed; but LIFE took a front seat and the BLOG had to take a back seat.

Since I was last here my dearly beloved husband of 28 years went home to be with the Lord in July 2020.  I am just getting a feeling of going on with the blog.

I have made a few art journal pages and am now currently working on a "sewing themed" writing journal.

Here are some of the things I have been doing since late last year.  I make no promised; but it is my desire to be back here posting more consistently ; which will be part of my therapy.  These are pieces of collage art that I am doing with Margarete Miller with her #take 3 group.  Enjoy